Category Archives: Counter Terrorism

PM Cameron meets UAE Crown Prince

Prime Minister David cameron received HRH Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, at number 10 in Downing Street earlier today. The two leaders discussed areas of cooperation between the two nations and the progress hat has been made developing strategic partnership since the PM visit to the capital Abu Dhabi last november.

30 June Revolution: Ripples in the Region and battle Royal in Egypt

Egypt 30 June revolution – despite the helping hand from the military ( some calling it a  coup) is by all measure a people’s revolution, causing some ripples in the region and beyond, and certainly earthquakes in many places sending the gurus and prophets of political Islam into a panic sprint trying to save what they see as their survival in places where they are in power by fluke after the 2011 uprisings have  upset the applecart mainly in North Africa, by means  election, manipulation. or by army intervention, or a mixture of all, like Tunisia,  or where they made remarkable advance towards power due to anarchy and arms like in Libya and Syria, or they were already in powers directly or indirectly like Sudan and  Gaza.

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The Muslim Brotherhood Global Organisaton

( MBTD is the Muslim Brotherhood Global Organisation, there is no exact date as when it was founded since MB denied its existence, but various intelligence report suggest the starting co-ordination with regional sympathisers  in mandate palestine, Turkey, Iraq, Arabia, north Africa and Muslim states of India – later Pakistan, in the second half of the 1930, especially facilitating the meetings between Islamist leaders of the Arab revolution there and german leaders from Hitler elite after 1936. One of the aims of establishing MB in Egypt in 1928 was world islamic Caliphate to replace the Ottoman empire after Ataturk reforms it became noticeable in the 1940s as co-ordinated activities aiming to  establishing a Muslim Caliphate world wide  )

In the Istanbul meeting this weekend, The MBTD strategy department, which operates under the banner The Global Studies Centre,   put some ‘ fighting back strategy,’ which include diplomatic efforts, finance, mass mobilisation and actual fighting in what argubley can be described as terrorism. Some of the tactics are now being witnessed in Egypt, like terrorist attack by MB affiliated cells in Sinai, involvement of hamas in gaza ( which the Istanbul MBTD meeting identified as the most harmed party in the International Islamist network

Egyptian people 30 June Revolution sent Global Isalamists into a Panic Meeting in Istanbul to Fight Back

The Muslim Brotherhood tanzeem douli  an international organization of Brothers held an emergency meeting Friday and saturday  in Istanbul. There are other smaller fringe meeting still going ion this weekend. They panicked after series of setback ( see main story) in Egypt, UAE, and anti- MB moves in Tunisia and Sudan. The meeting was called by the MBTD or the GLobal  to discuss what the MBTD called “the catastrophic situation” of the organisation reached after the dismissal of Mohamed Morsi in Egypt. The participants  expressed their deep concern at the prospects of splits in the group in Egypt and it was agreed to try to confront the situation by all means all means  below their agreed plan of action as well as the names of those attended, their position in their national and international MB orgnaistaion.

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Supplying Arms to Syrian Rebels is not Policy but Lunacy

Against expectations, against experts advice, and against commonsense, Britain and France bullied the majority of European foreign ministers to lift the sanctions on supplying arms to Syrian “rebels” ( if indeed we know who they are), in a move which majority of sane observers see as escalation. pouring oil on fast spreading fire with real possibility that missiles would fall into te hands of terrorists to be used against us.

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Woolwich: schizophrenic Muslim Leaders & The folly of the British Left©

Reaction to the horrific, premeditated murder by Islamist fanatical jihadists was predictable. Our politically correct government politician walk on eggshells saying how barbaric the this attack was and we mustn’t confuse their action (which the two jihadists shouted they carried in name of Islam) and Islam as there is ‘nothing in Islam justifies this murder’ like what the Prime Minister David Cameron said (and give him credit for his measured reaction compared to Tony Blair who might have tried to capitalise on it). Then the self-appointed leaders of the ‘Muslim Community’ (and for years I have been struggling to understand what does it actually mean). As expected, they rolled out stock of the pre-prepared old rhetoric condemning the barbaric savage act, cursing the two individuals in question and insisting that there is nothing in Islam to support this action. However , we  are unlikely to hear from those described as ‘moderate’ or respected Islamic clergy,  a clear  fatwa forbidding such acts or saying something to the effect that targeting an off duty soldier, or forcing your interpretation of Islam on others or engaging ( or promoting) acts of  violence as jihad  ( which actually means self control and holy mission of discipline to tread the correct path as an individual)  is forbidden under Islamic teaching; a fatwa issued with the same zeal and strength as those fatwas  we hear banning films, or condemning books, cartoons or works of art they claim offend  Muslims sensibility and often lead to mob-lynching and violence  . The third predictable reaction usually comes was from the British left trying to justify (they would say they try to explain or understand the motives) such nonsense by falsifying history linking this acts of extreme mad violence with British or ‘western foreign policy’ (they mean American policy since the left is anti-American).

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An overwhelming  Deja vu pricked  my sense watching Foreign Secretary William Hague making his statement to the commons about Syria and other matter. Same like reading columnists pontificating on the Middle East, or reading Arab press – especially those sponsored by our allies in the Gulf. America’s president issue strong warnings to another Arab dictator(yes a handful of them still around despite what naively and historically wrong called “ Arab Spring”) dictator accused of using (WMDs) or chemical weapons, our prime minister straight away joins the chorus disapproval, while the opposition ( from the dictator’s own nation), backed by our Arab friends in the Gulf call l for western intervention. Heard it all before?

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Muslims’ protests against Isalm Film not spontaneous but well organised©

As American embassies in North Africa, The Middle East and some Muslim countries come under attacks by what seems to various protests by angry mobs unfortunately some fellow hacks take a superficial view saying Muslims were incensed by a film insulting the founder of Islam prophet Mohammed. By doing so they ignore basic facts about the motives of those orchestrating the protest and the timing of it.

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Behind the operation to Intercept Qaeda new underpants Bomb ©

There is more than what meets the eye in the CIA Saudi joint operation exposing al-Qaeda use of  undetectable under-pants bomb to blow up an airliner which was prevented by a devout Muslim taking pride in cooperating with non-Muslim Americans to eliminate fellow Muslims he saw as ‘evil’.

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