While the ethnic-cleansing of Iraqi Christians in Mosul and burning their 1800 years old church received by Islamists terror group known as Islamic State was widely covered in Arabic media it received very little attention in Britain and the west. Christians, who lived in Iraq for hundreds of years before Islam took over the region by invading Muslim army from Arabia in the seventh century A.D. were forced to leave Mosul ( the first major town to fall into the hands of ISIL ( Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) two months ago when the Iraqi army fled leaving millions of pounds worth of American military gear to them.
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Prime Minister Cameron Commons Statement on Ukraine & Gaza
RH Prime Minister David Cameron Statement on Gaza and Russia to the Commons:
Mr Speaker this is the first time the House has met since the tragic loss of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 last Thursday and it is right to make a statement about this and the ongoing crisis in Israel and Gaza.
Cameron Meets Juncker: Victory in Our Time ?
Prime Minister David Cameron had a meeting this morning in Brussels face to face with EU boss Juncker…..his spokesman enlightens us hacks ….
By the way folks.. this imposter Juncker was imposed as president by means no British subject would recognise as democratic…..