London August, August 5, 2018
Migrants exploited by human-traffickers drown at sea by the thousands; the crisis threatens the European Union’s “ ever closer union” aim of federalism as the leaders failed in last month’s summit to find a solution.
Adel Darwish suggests a long term strategy to solve the migrant crisis, which would not only save lives, but will also reduce the number of migrants by 90% and lead to economic prosperity in sub saharan African nations. The strategy depends on cooperation and coordination between the EU, the UN migration and refugee agencies, North African members of the Arab League and The African Union. ©
“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime,” the contested origin, thought to be Chinese, saying come to mind as why migrants in their thousands take the dangerous journey to try to reach the promised land in Europe. But another saying also comes to mind, “Turkeys won’t vote for for an early Christmas “, which perhaps explains why very few, if any, thinking of a long term strategy to deal with this crisis rather than managing it, which seems to have become an industry or a taxpayer funded job-creation-scheme for middle class liberals or both.
“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime,” the contested origin, thought to be Chinese, saying come to mind as why migrants in their thousands take the dangerous journey to try to reach the promised land in Europe. But another saying also comes to mind, “Turkeys won’t vote for for an early Christmas “, which perhaps explains why very few, if any, thinking of a long term strategy to deal with this crisis rather than managing it, which seems to have become an industry or a taxpayer funded job-creation-scheme for middle class liberals or both. Continue reading