Category Archives: Counter Terrorism

Cameron waited for Obama “strategy” to fight IS- It Won’t Work

15 September 2014

On the eve of  western Foreign Ministers  and their regional allies 30 nations Paris gathering (Monday september 15)  to forge  strategy to contain Islamic State IS , Prime Minister David Cameron was holding an emergency COBRA ( Cabinet Office Briefing Room A ) meeting, Sunday,  at no 10 Downing Street to following the brutal beheading of British aid worker David Haines by IS. Both paris and and London were following a new strategy set by Us president Barak Obama a few days earlier.. but will it work.. doubtful.

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Cameron V ISIL

2 September 2014

To deal with terrorism threat, mainly from British jihadists volunteers with the Islamic State IS (although IS pay a jihadist five times as much the salary of  a qualified Syrian doctor ), Prime Minister David Cameron introduced a set of measure in the Commons Monday. But is this enough more overall strategy needed and how to tke the fight to the terrorists

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“Islamic State” terrorists ethnic cleansing of Christians- historic background

While the ethnic-cleansing of Iraqi Christians in Mosul and burning  their 1800 years old church received by Islamists terror group  known as Islamic State was widely covered in Arabic media  it received very little attention in Britain and the west.   Christians, who lived in Iraq for hundreds of years before Islam took over the region by invading Muslim army from Arabia in the seventh century A.D. were forced to leave  Mosul ( the first major town to fall into the hands of ISIL ( Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) two months ago when the Iraqi army fled leaving millions of pounds worth of American military gear to them.

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Handling Isalmists Terror in Iraq- US-UK failed policy

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant ISIL, one of the most brutal and dangerous terrorist groups in modern times which  has captured territory in Iraq and Syria has declared itself an Islamic “caliphate” and called on Islamic factions worldwide to pledge their allegianceThe move is an expansion of the group’s ambitions to wage a war and pose a direct challenge to the central leadership of Al Qaeda, which has already disowned it. In a statement from the group  posted on Islamist websites and Twitter, the group has renamed itself “Islamic State” and proclaimed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as “caliph”, the head of the state. But the grope is not only a threat to the region, it poses a threat to UK national security with hundreds of British Muslims fighting there and will sure come home to cause atrocities here.

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William Hague Mustn’t put EU Before UK national Interests

If we follow foolish European Union Foreign Policy (God knows why they should have a foreign policy department, commissioner and team financed by our taxes) over Egypt, we risk a great deal of our interests being badly damaged, not just in Egypt but among Egypt powerful, rich influential allies like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman as well as Jordan ( they are also essentially part of wider historic British interest in Middle East and the Gulf region).

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British Public Misled by Journalists’ Failure to research Muslim Brothers Terrorism

Not only our news organisations, Broadcast and Fleet Street ( and the American ones across the pond)  covering Egypt failed to do any research on Muslim Brotherhood history of and association with terrorism, they also omit, from their copy or videos, historic facts, personalities and information vital to the narrative thus misleading British listeners, viewers and readers.

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Buying into Media-set Egypt Narrative, Willam Hague Risks British Interests

By constructing false and untrue narrative of the Egyptian Crisis the BBC, followed by other liberal left media, then copied by nearly all, is harming long-term British interests in Egypt and the Middle East region, especially with our Foreign Secretary William Hague unwisely following a foolish European course threatening Egypt while Cairo  influential and rich  Gulf allies led by Saudi Arabia have already warned the  European Union against such folly. It seems that BBC  led other left-wing/liberal media in setting the agenda to convince the British chattering classes and the larger political establishment of a false narrative of the crisis in Egypt. A false narrative and analysis which is not only misleading and doesn’t reflect reality on the ground, but also causing anger and resentment among the vast majority of Egyptians and their interim government, which, alongside the military, enjoys huge public support. Even the perception of policy that Egyptians might interpret as racist, demeaning or hurts their pride, poses a  danger to  our long term  interests in Egypt and in the Arab world, especially UK Britain economic interests in the important markets of the Gulf and security interest in the Middle East region that could  be damaged beyond repair.

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Cairo report: Police intercepts illegal Child Transport

Gulf News Cairo journalist, Linda S Heard reports on Muslim Brotherhood exploitation of orphanage children to bus to the pro #Morsi sit-in under false pretence.

Cairo Today (Qahera el Youm) have just reported a shocking police intervention that goes to confirm something we already knew. A bus was stopped en route to Rabaa Adawiya as part of a routine check. In the bus were dozens of orphans, street children and children of poor families under the supervision of an MB cleric. They were scruffily dressed but were clutching bags containing smart new clothes. They told the police that the ‘sheikh’ had given them the clothes plus LE 20 and promised them good food. They said their didn’t know where they were going. In a few cases, their parents had been given substantial sums to release their kids in the temporary care of the cleric. The program showed photos and videos of those poor kids scheduled to be used as human shields and to boost the MB’s PR campaign. This really is too much. I had heard about it but now I’ve seen it with my own eyes.


Today Daily Telegraph Leader Contains Factual Errors & its Message is Meaningless

The Daily Telegraph is normally better informed about the Middle East and Africa than other Fleet street papers, especially the leftwing ones like the Independent or Guardian who’s ideology blind them to basic facts on the ground. What is shocking about today ( Monday 29 July) Telegraph leader on Egypt  it  got it wrong, misleading, message is meaningless and worst of all contains factual errors and inaccurate facts.

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Media Morsi Case Reporting: Through Western Supremacist Lenses ?

The news of Egyptian Public Prosecutor office issuing warrant ( through judicial court order to make it 15 days since PPO can only legally detain suspects for 4 days then release if not charged )  for arresting the deposed president Mohammed Morsi is confusing and complicated to explain since most of evidence remain incomplete.  It is rather unfortunate that non of the media reports, here in UK reports is complete, makes sense – from a legal view point- or details fro ordinary readers, viewers or listeners to understand what appeared or reported as politically motivated move.

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