Category Archives: Politics

Lords to Quiz Ministers on Government Seeking Parliament Approval before Military Deployment

The House of Lords Constitution Committee to quiz three Ministers this week in the final of a series of evidence sessions of the peers inquiry into the constitutional arrangements for the use of armed force. This week’s session will focus on Parliament’s role in approving decisions to use armed force overseas, bearing in mind that MPs, from all parties, in the past few weeks were pressurising government not to supply arms to Syrian rebels fearing that might become a mission creep with British military involvement in that troubled and troublesome part of the world.

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Egypt Opposition accuse ‘Nosy’ US ambassador of meddling in their affairs & Urge Cameron to be tough with Morsi

Egyptian opposition accuses American ambassador in Cairo of meddling in Egyptian internal affairs as they prepare for the largest day of protest  since their revolution two years ago and urge Prime Minister David Cameron to raise human-rights, freedom of speech  women, gay and Christians’ rights   with Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi when he meets him in London Early next month.

As Egyptian secular, nationalist and liberal opposition, which form majority of body-politic in the nation prepare for a mass protest on June 30 to get rid of the Islamists ( a coalition of Muslim Brothers, Salafis and lesser Islamist trends with fascist tendencies ) president elect Mohammed Morsi, opposition figures criticise US ambassador Anne Patterson ( nicknamed Nosy Anne) for her role not only in backing Morsi and the Muslim Brothers against secular opposition, but for what they say meddling in Egypt’s internal affairs.

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Supplying Arms to Syrian Rebels is not Policy but Lunacy

Against expectations, against experts advice, and against commonsense, Britain and France bullied the majority of European foreign ministers to lift the sanctions on supplying arms to Syrian “rebels” ( if indeed we know who they are), in a move which majority of sane observers see as escalation. pouring oil on fast spreading fire with real possibility that missiles would fall into te hands of terrorists to be used against us.

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EU Council Meeting Monday: Is William Hague pushing a US Agenda to Arm Syrian Rebels?

Our foreign Secretary William Hague heads to Brussels to attended the European Union Council of ministers meeting monday ( 27 May), to discuss, among other issues, amending the embargo on providing arms to Syrian rebels fighting to overthrew the  dictatorial regime of President Bashar al-Assad in a two year bloody civil war that claimed an estimated 94,000 lives and turned near one fifth of the population into refugees . Backed mainly by France, Hague wants to amend the embargo ( which comes to an end or renewal at midnight Friday 31 May), in order to supply more equipment to the rebels. In February, the UK and France persuaded other member states, overcoming considerable reluctance, to allow the supply to the rebels of non-lethal military equipment for defensive purposes.

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Woolwich: schizophrenic Muslim Leaders & The folly of the British Left©

Reaction to the horrific, premeditated murder by Islamist fanatical jihadists was predictable. Our politically correct government politician walk on eggshells saying how barbaric the this attack was and we mustn’t confuse their action (which the two jihadists shouted they carried in name of Islam) and Islam as there is ‘nothing in Islam justifies this murder’ like what the Prime Minister David Cameron said (and give him credit for his measured reaction compared to Tony Blair who might have tried to capitalise on it). Then the self-appointed leaders of the ‘Muslim Community’ (and for years I have been struggling to understand what does it actually mean). As expected, they rolled out stock of the pre-prepared old rhetoric condemning the barbaric savage act, cursing the two individuals in question and insisting that there is nothing in Islam to support this action. However , we  are unlikely to hear from those described as ‘moderate’ or respected Islamic clergy,  a clear  fatwa forbidding such acts or saying something to the effect that targeting an off duty soldier, or forcing your interpretation of Islam on others or engaging ( or promoting) acts of  violence as jihad  ( which actually means self control and holy mission of discipline to tread the correct path as an individual)  is forbidden under Islamic teaching; a fatwa issued with the same zeal and strength as those fatwas  we hear banning films, or condemning books, cartoons or works of art they claim offend  Muslims sensibility and often lead to mob-lynching and violence  . The third predictable reaction usually comes was from the British left trying to justify (they would say they try to explain or understand the motives) such nonsense by falsifying history linking this acts of extreme mad violence with British or ‘western foreign policy’ (they mean American policy since the left is anti-American).

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An overwhelming  Deja vu pricked  my sense watching Foreign Secretary William Hague making his statement to the commons about Syria and other matter. Same like reading columnists pontificating on the Middle East, or reading Arab press – especially those sponsored by our allies in the Gulf. America’s president issue strong warnings to another Arab dictator(yes a handful of them still around despite what naively and historically wrong called “ Arab Spring”) dictator accused of using (WMDs) or chemical weapons, our prime minister straight away joins the chorus disapproval, while the opposition ( from the dictator’s own nation), backed by our Arab friends in the Gulf call l for western intervention. Heard it all before?

Pray read on….. Continue reading

Press Regulation Royal Charter Welcomed by Third World Fascist Regimes

Prime Minister David Cameron, his Deputy Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg and leader of HM opposition Ed Miliband, who seldom agree on any thing, agreed to regulate the press opining the door for tyranny of the state to control the freest and best press in the world. The step is most welcomed by Arab dictators and despotic regime to emulate in more exaggerated forms to silence their critics.  Arab and Third world dictators as well as authoritarian and fascist Islamists regimes are delighted with our politicians’ attack on press freedom. They love it as the media they control are spinning how Britain, cited by demonstrators risking their lives for freedom and justice as mother of parliamentarian democracy, is today turning the mother of parliaments into a tool to censor, control and muzzle the press.

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George Osborne Betrayal of Private Pension Investors

Shock after meeting my financial adviser…I have to work until I drop dead, no chance for retirement or even slowing down; thanks to George Osborne and Danny Alexander. While I should be winding down my activities, due to health reasons and age Unlike most people in my age and younger, employed in public sector or in the civil service have the option for early retirement on a comfortable pension, I have no option but to carry on working as self-employed, author, commentator, writer and journalist with no retirement option.

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Culture Media and Sport Select Committee on Phone Hacking

Just a short link to the report

The report finding is a bit daft. It finds Rupert Murdoch ‘ not fit to run an international company.’ This is a businessman, who has, for near three decades, running, perhaps the world’s most successful media business in recent history, created thousands of jobs world wide, revolutionised broadcasting and television satellite service. How would anybody take this report seriously.

See the report in full..



The anti-Shale gas Fracking Green Freaks Should be Ignored

While the price of natural gas has been its lowest for many years in North America, thanks to technology known as fracking, which extracts gas trapped deep in the rocks, British energy consumers are paying one of the highest prices in Europe thanks to the madness of coalition government obsession with green energy targets that makes little economic sense. The news that Shale gas fracking operations should be allowed to resume in the Britain as long as “robust” measures are adopted to safeguard against future risks according to recommendation by an independent report had two contrasting receptions in two different camps.

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