Category Archives: Human Rights

Human rights and legally related issues

Why Egyptian Seculars Reject Obama & British Advice To Reach a Deal With Morsi?

Speaking to Egyptian secular and liberal activists and political leaders, there is a consensus that nobody should get into a deal ( as advised by the Americans and our British government)  with President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brothers party and/or other Islamists like Salafis.  Egyptian secular and nationalists politicians and activists are wary of Morsi’s ability to double-cross them and using the deal or “dialogue to accommodate people’s’ demands ” ( as advised bt President Barak Obama)  just to buy time then welsh back on his agreement as he did last year once the momentum of people in the streets wears-off.

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Egypt Opposition accuse ‘Nosy’ US ambassador of meddling in their affairs & Urge Cameron to be tough with Morsi

Egyptian opposition accuses American ambassador in Cairo of meddling in Egyptian internal affairs as they prepare for the largest day of protest  since their revolution two years ago and urge Prime Minister David Cameron to raise human-rights, freedom of speech  women, gay and Christians’ rights   with Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi when he meets him in London Early next month.

As Egyptian secular, nationalist and liberal opposition, which form majority of body-politic in the nation prepare for a mass protest on June 30 to get rid of the Islamists ( a coalition of Muslim Brothers, Salafis and lesser Islamist trends with fascist tendencies ) president elect Mohammed Morsi, opposition figures criticise US ambassador Anne Patterson ( nicknamed Nosy Anne) for her role not only in backing Morsi and the Muslim Brothers against secular opposition, but for what they say meddling in Egypt’s internal affairs.

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An overwhelming  Deja vu pricked  my sense watching Foreign Secretary William Hague making his statement to the commons about Syria and other matter. Same like reading columnists pontificating on the Middle East, or reading Arab press – especially those sponsored by our allies in the Gulf. America’s president issue strong warnings to another Arab dictator(yes a handful of them still around despite what naively and historically wrong called “ Arab Spring”) dictator accused of using (WMDs) or chemical weapons, our prime minister straight away joins the chorus disapproval, while the opposition ( from the dictator’s own nation), backed by our Arab friends in the Gulf call l for western intervention. Heard it all before?

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Press Regulation Royal Charter Welcomed by Third World Fascist Regimes

Prime Minister David Cameron, his Deputy Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg and leader of HM opposition Ed Miliband, who seldom agree on any thing, agreed to regulate the press opining the door for tyranny of the state to control the freest and best press in the world. The step is most welcomed by Arab dictators and despotic regime to emulate in more exaggerated forms to silence their critics.  Arab and Third world dictators as well as authoritarian and fascist Islamists regimes are delighted with our politicians’ attack on press freedom. They love it as the media they control are spinning how Britain, cited by demonstrators risking their lives for freedom and justice as mother of parliamentarian democracy, is today turning the mother of parliaments into a tool to censor, control and muzzle the press.

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No Evidence: William Hague Raised Human-Rights Issues in Egypt or Iraq

Foreign Secretary William Hague visited Egypt  last week where he met the Egypt’s newly elected Islamist president Mohammed Morsi and  then went to Baghdad where he met the Iraqi leaders. During the same week, there was human-rights abuse in both countries, especially against Christians, ethnic minorities, women and iun case of Iraq, there was a BBC film showing appalling treatment of homosexuals that boiled down to liquidation. There is no evidence that Secretary Hague raised any of those grave concerns with his Egyptians or Iraqi hosts.

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Muslims’ protests against Isalm Film not spontaneous but well organised©

As American embassies in North Africa, The Middle East and some Muslim countries come under attacks by what seems to various protests by angry mobs unfortunately some fellow hacks take a superficial view saying Muslims were incensed by a film insulting the founder of Islam prophet Mohammed. By doing so they ignore basic facts about the motives of those orchestrating the protest and the timing of it.

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George Osborne Betrayal of Private Pension Investors

Shock after meeting my financial adviser…I have to work until I drop dead, no chance for retirement or even slowing down; thanks to George Osborne and Danny Alexander. While I should be winding down my activities, due to health reasons and age Unlike most people in my age and younger, employed in public sector or in the civil service have the option for early retirement on a comfortable pension, I have no option but to carry on working as self-employed, author, commentator, writer and journalist with no retirement option.

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