Syria Commons Vote

There has been some nonsense argument from the left wing anti-war or stop the war and others against extending the RAF mission into Syria to destroy the Islamic State Terror bases.

here is an example from BBC radio4 Today programme this morning at 08;55 . John Humphrys interviewed BBC security hack  Frank Gardner on specific question: will attacks on ISIL in Syria have backlash here in UK and expose us to more attacks like 7/7 type?

Gradenr adamant if we bomb reqqa ISIL would attack london because of the propaganda value  – which is at best guess work no fact based analysis. A security military  expert interviewed also on the same item  refuted Gardner’s guess. He  told him it doesn’t mean that attacking ISIL in Syria would some how give the terrorist another means to increase their  capabilities and enhance their tools  to carry out new attacks more than what they are capable of doing now. He also  quoted congress report  how USA drone  attacks reduced. Alqaeda capabilities to do us harm and carry out more attacks.

Gardener  changed the argument to an issue (not mentioned in question)  to say a British A british pilot might fall into their hands ( even though pilots are already flying ISIL areas in Iraq)  and bombs might hit civilians (although the question was: will attacking reqqa put us in more risk in london )

Pat McFaden Labour, Wolverhampton South East, totally belittled this view as ” children fantasy dividing world into victims (Muslims) and perpetrators (the west) and it absolves the terrorists from responsibility. He argues it is also not a new military intervention, it is an extension of action already taking place  .