Daily Archives: January 29, 2017


by Kate Burrows-Jones; World Media North America Editor

As first dates go, the first formal get-together between British Prime Minister Theresa May and newly elected US President Donald Trump wasn’t bad. But if Ms. May is to turn this into Thatcher-Reagan redux, and partner with Mr. Trump to produce the legacy-defining accomplishments for her premiership that she seeks, she may need a little dating advice.

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The Hysteria on US “ Muslim Ban” What are the Facts?

By Kate Burrows-Jones, World Media North America Editor

President Trump Executive order is but sharpening existing laws set by his predecessor President Obama restricting entry to nationals of seven nations. ( below also include links to the full text of the order and related subjects)

Fake news indeed. There is no Executive order banning Muslims. President Donald Trump’s, perhaps ill-founded, ill-fated 90 day ban is based on President Barack Obama’s restrictions on Seven nations. Nobody cared when he did it, so was it a Muslim ban then? The law was written to address security concerns after the Paris Attacks, passing with overwhelming agreement. Voting was bipartisan, it passed the House 407-19.  What Trump did was apply a sharp force, a halt on movement, and cruelly with no notice to let people prepare. Let the people decide if it is wrong, but to call it “Muslim” in nature, is also wrong without reading the full executive order.

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