Daily Archives: August 7, 2013

UK Media Reporting Watch: Egypt unbalanced & whiff of racism?

I try to monitor UK media reporting on Egypt ( since we have contacts and correspondents there and can check facts on the ground with near 100% accuracy)  to see whether correspondents , analysts or columnists stick to the traditional fleet street criteria ( ie  PPC Press Complaints Council Editors Code of Practice ) ; the Of-Com Broadcasting code ;& the BBC Editorial Guidelines ; the NUJ ( national Union of Journalists) Code of Conduct and last but not least the obvious commonsense practice of sticking to facts, sourcing information, abiding by laws, and making a clear distinction ( easily noticeable and understood by readers/viewers/listeners)  between hard facts, and opinion, analysis or guess. In the light of such criterion I will try to highlight shortcomings or errors by British media. I hope fellow hacks and hackettes are not offended but  try to see it as an extension or further explanation to what might have been overlooked in the rush  to meet deadlines.

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