Miliband ought to focus on NHS IN PMQs instead of alienating Journalists


After months of failing to score points  during PMQs, Labour leader Ed Miliband made good progress in the past few weeks by focusing on the government controversial NHS reform bill but he is in danger of losing jouranlists support.

 Today, instead of complimenting the NHS onslaught (which often forces Prime Minister David Cameron into the defensive) with other areas that proves to be unpopular, or deepen the wedge between the Tories and their LibDems coalition partners, the labour leader alienated many journalists by wading into the Leveson inquiry.

Trying to score cheap points against Education Secretary Michael Gove, Miliband annoyed many journalists. It was impossible from the press gallery not to see his first two questions outside the frame of labour endorsing the agenda of the British Left in muzzling the press and destroying the British tabloid ability to investigate policies that waste taxpayer money on projects favoured by the left but adds no value to the wealth of the nation.

Miliband  was trying to get the Prime Minister to criticise  Mr Gove ( himself a former journalist), who increased his  popular with liberal minded journalists with a speech to the press gallery reflecting the worries on the mind of every journalist ( but a minority of politically motivated ideologically journalists or those fascinated by the antics of the loony left): the fear of  Leveson inquiry turning into a witch hunt and leading to regulations threatening the very concept of press freedom.

Setting a trap for himself, the opposition leader gave the prime minister chance to score a goal for press freedom that won the approval of the press gallery. While the Prime Minister repeated his support for the inquiry he strongly supported press freedom and urged all sides of the house to do so.

Ed Miliband is less popular this afternoon with journalists who value press freedom than he was this morning